Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Travel within the culture of Monaco of Bavaria

The first thing you notice is the expansive field of green, stretched as a great blanket. And the story also. Yes, all the moments of history learned a great role to play, grab your senses, beautify all former prejudices, and tell you that you're here, now, in Gothic churches wear, the buildings look menacing and moments in time to give life only in the movies and books.

Landing at the Monaco of Bavaria Franz Josef Strauss is not very differentLanding in Cork, or any other surrounded by fields on such a large scale. Flanked by beautiful lawns with trees swaying, standing like soldiers forever marked, extending from the terminal for what seems an eternity.

The evening sun is very intense, with the population, accustomed to heat, the fleet through the desert hinterland of the Bay of luggage, while foreigners trudging like wounded animals, waving newspapers on their faces, cheeks swollen. This is a particular beauty of intricateairport suspended death - with its spotless floors, its timelessness and total chaotic neon glow of a branch of the misshapen actually formulated the idea over time. JG Ballard, the recently deceased sci-fi writer, wrote of the invisible infinite mysteries left the airport. You feel his finger was firmly in place.

The S-Bahn to the central station takes about forty minutes. Outside, as the train slowly hobbled, industrial parks often seemed grotesque their steelStructures dying of the light shining amazing evening. Each city's name is a pun for those of us used to the simplicity of our mother tongue. But despite the complexity of the debate, which takes travelers on the S-Bahn no confusion.

Stereo-types, ridiculously exaggerated, are almost always put to use when traveling abroad. But in most cases hold a kernel of truth, even in its smaller size. The Germans are, as often stated,undeniably effective. Train estimates with infinite precision, met without delay, tickets in advance - there is no pressing need for wires. A quick note that everything penetrates quickly into a comfort zone, things fall into place as you want for them.

Arrive at your destination early in the morning, often eccentric, a subtle assault on the senses. Shrouded in the darkness of night, is the view of a city full of secrets, up in the morning andthe first glimmer of light. Seen through the window of a hotel, Monaco skyline is jagged, sometimes seemingly out of place, but always lovable. Gothic cathedrals, skyscrapers business penis-shaped, and rivers are a strange mix, but somehow to work well. Yes, you learn quickly that oddities in the eyes of those who are new in town are part of normality, is native.

Feeling alien is clearly in your first day in a new country is a condition of travel. Along the broadSidewalks on the outskirts of the city center of Monaco of Bavaria, cyclists zoom in hundreds, to hunt and escape from the corners of the eyes like cats. Little Walker, deal with this reality is often cruel, often met with hard looks, wagging fingers and the worst of all - the sound of a bell. It is an intimidating sight for pedestrians, who must at any time, be alert and very aware of the crowds bell of Monaco.

Around the Marienplatz, the city of Monaco of BavariaCentral location to pick up tourists in wild groups, with heavy backpacks full local souvenirs, while the local pigeons peck wildly at her feet flexed. A young American woman, strong and strong, holding a poster advertising free walks. Like rats fleeing in earshot smile on his camera ready, sprayed on their faces. Despite the angry woman-driving - for them - a free tour is a free guided tour. Some people listen attentively, others hover on the edge of the group uncertain.After the announcement that the tour-in under the great tourist attractions of Monaco of Bavaria will be held - three hours, flows all gone, as if a tear gas was thrown into the hearts of the crowd. Three hours is three hours, after all.

The church of San Pietro in Gothic splendor, turning their bows and large, pointed tower skyward, squinting in the heart of the Marienplatz. Under the eyes of those gathered directly under constantly hover, waiting to beagainst the sky, or for them to collapse, or just for them to stay where she sat, is a virgin and pretty intimidating.

The actual voltage is made by the hour. Get yourself out of tinsel in his fifties, large groups gather in large groups waiting for: 00 to beat. How it works, the bells of St. Peter at heaven a sound their bells high in the air Monaco complain all the time, eyes and mouths are biting when a yawping Rattle and Hum is heard by the greatPerches high above deployed, followed by a collection of statues well suited to film, with a boom, and disappear before the final bell sounds and the last shot applauded. It then follows suit and all disappears. Although make no mistake, they will return in 59 minutes.

Sucking back a beer in Monaco of Bavaria is a fucking prostitute in Amsterdam-China is a blurry photo of Big Ben from London Bridge, Eating dog in Korea puckering up to the BlarneyStein, while keeping your fat friend recently acquired by Aran Sweater Blarney. It 'obvious, and is everywhere in abundance and consumed because it is cheap and plentiful. to find large clusters of noisy English men are ordering a liter of beer in pubs around the city are located. But despite the endless creep perfection, never destroyed the serenity as sidewalks remain free night vomiting, faces and limbs remain in-tact and attacked, noincreases incomparable madness on the streets of Ireland have become accustomed. This culture of peace among men is the perfect gift to take home will be.

As the day comes a new country, one will dare dare - is that little 'later the city limits, leaving the card behind the hotel room, and maybe, if we are truly integrated into the culture of the city, even casual conversation with a local. One venture andexplored.

The ubiquitous bus tours of the city off and back on the zoom hours. Jumping on board is set with a crackle of headphones, the narrator whisper your way through the city to avoid your eyes to the city many chic boutiques handed style, the way its terrible past, and the beautiful fountain and where petals lane rose hikers and hiking trip in the direction of the large selection of famous beer gardens.

Musikhochschule in Monaco of Bavaria, a fine, gray buildings of the GreatNow find where the old headquarters of the Nazi party was. In fact, National Socialism seems that eternal thorn in the side of German culture and history have left traces. Is not forgotten - nor will ever be - but it speaks only in vague terms, like talking to an uncle, to which a child or murder a dream best forgotten. The brand is a mark of shame, like a scar will be so horrible, to hide forever.

However, there is a subtle reminder of the StarkDevastation permeated the entire human race because of the Nazi tyranny. The hotel is located on the Square of Victims of National Socialism, a tree is still standing marble, crowned by an eternal flame prisoners, fluttering and flickering day and night, year after year, for those who died as a result of Fascism.

Elsewhere, beer gardens spread throughout the land here, there, everywhere. Some, rather than sitting idle for many tracks in their strangeness, decorated with begonias by red and yellowclean furniture made sweet. other house as many as 5,000 patrons happy, though, like many contexts, as in a big way, somehow not very pretty as her younger siblings. And then we finished, our friend whispers offers his resignation, and with time running out - What are the holidays, but watch out constantly - we are left wanting more. And fortunately there are many others.

The Deutsches Museum presents a central hub to the world of technology and science, is only oneHalf a mile from the heart of the city, after a dusty, quiet street in a small island in the Isar river properly. For a thin EUR8, you go to a magnificent collection of jewels. In the foyer, old ships with tattooed sails, decrepit trees up, continued to climb towards the ceiling. This bizarre spectacle - Boats in a building surrounded together as a jam at the end of time to put - at home, in a painting by Dali. In an adjacent room are rockets astride each other, theirAnd the ability to go destroy the creation of scenes of chaos in the minds of those who, through the silent room, Where are stationed.

In another room is a fat snake, belly of the research center cut, but say nothing, in fear and terror in the nation's first submarine watching. And 'perhaps the museum show is more terrible, but beautiful, lonely and far away. Nobody sticks to the "No Touching" signs around their - thewant to touch, to ensure that there is too much for everyone.

Remove from water, we have the sky, the museum serves as Grand Foyer air wing parts. Suspended from the sky, looking up dangling above those planes. Hunting with the first logos, commercial jets, planes and paratroopers fight bird bestial war for the arena in the sky. The audience in awe is great, but nobody speaks. The images reflect the mood - everything is damningly surreal. A dream scenarioJuxtaposition.

From the sky, the universe is our only goal. And yes, do the good old German for the same. The upper floor is devoted to the surreal of all trips - into the unknown cosmic. Lifeless mannequins in spacesuits are suspended in air for background stars, we board a replica of a steel box that has been made about the bigger picture of our world. But one extra feature - a glass box on minute breaks all of this arena of Wonderavailable: a fragment of the moon. A winking his eye is approaching, and sits on it. And since it is small, it seemed every other stone, but also probably the most unusual for us men - a character from another world.

And then it's time to go. And the clock has finally exhausted - and as the whispers guide, it is now time for us to say goodbye. Leaving the museum, we consider the situation and the past we have to live cancer.Monaco is the city where the majority of the Parties established tyrannical. It 'a city with a permanent tattoo within his psyche, embedded, if we really building may be destroyed, it can capture images in my head. There is always an aversion to Germany in the past - can not be forgotten. However, it goes on. Prosperous and above all serves as a city of miracles, for those who come to visit. It 'a city of good people in a country of good people. It is a city where, like allvisits to other places magical, people want to stay still time to run not to leave their enjoyment.

Trip reports are often littered with a litany of platitudes. Talk stones divided by the sun, the Irish bar and the endless comparisons are about as useful at home reading a book written in the sun. The beauty of travel lies in its mystery - and just as an observer, all with experience. Monaco of Bavaria is an experience - not only the terror of the worldOn patrol, but also the infinite beauty of it, too. And just as it should be.

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