Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The world is ending soon - 2012 is the film, the panic?

Due November 13, 2009 yes, the film 2012 is already the subject of conversation much cooler water. Do you think the film to cause panic?

Based on the conclusion of the Mayan calendar ends December 20, 2012, the film tries to predict a catastrophic event. Obviously, there is an event that image in Hollywood. But how much chaos can a movie with?

This reminds me of the Passion of Christ. Many thought that the film would have raised a lot of emotion and cause a lotWoe. After a few feathers were ruffled, but failed.

However, many are beginning to say that 2012 level could cause a panic similar to the Y2K fiasco several years ago. Food rations, anyone?

Of course, the Maya have never seen the light of day in thousands of years, but somehow all get credibility in the world. They could be right? My money is anyway. However, this does not stop everybody to add two more cents. As the last moments of 1999, I think the world isTalk about this time until 1 January 2013.

As far as the movie goes, you know that there is great chaos and the impact of the proposed special. E 'director Roland Emmerich is good for the destruction of a city in Godzilla, known blasting countless attractions in Independence Day and, ultimately, tackle climate change in The Day After Tomorrow.

I expect 2012 to his style, which is followed by means to be a great ride. Unlike the previous films, this one has a sense of possibleRealism at all. None of us expect giant lizards tearing through the city, but a film made in the near future based on forecasts of fascinating.

True or not, at least you get to enjoy a great movie. While the panic of the population, we have to wait and see.

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