Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pampaloni, San Fermin - Bull Running Festival

If you are looking for something really running on adrenaline, why not try a group of bulls to £ 600. Mid-July 1995, during a trip around the European surf Pampaloni costs were to take the famous bull running festival in which thousands of moths (and I) went through a stretch of winding streets, chased by about 10 angry bulls.

The event starts at 8:00 every morning to watch a week, so if you join, there area place in the crowd. The race starts in a stretch of road between two old Spanish-style high-rise buildings, full of locals crossing the front of the participants without fear of later. As you can imagine, it's a bit 'and it would be more embarrassed if the skin and full of red wine and coca cola, dance, do not sleep, did not numb the nerves a bit'. This is a show where you can use a smaller version of the London Marathon imagine, with thousands ofDrunken Spaniards and tourists dressed in white with red scarves. If you think that sounds like a death wish, it is not because we want to protect themselves with a rolled-up newspaper! Yes, this is your buttocks from imminent death of a bull horn to protect. No!

Your location determines the initial set your safety during the first part of the race. If you turn right at the front is likely to come on stage before a bull (as long as your stay on you feet). IfTo pass safely on the back of the policemen. So for the first time its best to go near the front until it essential to get rid of. We are located opposite the third.

The first weapon is something for everyone to start running. Running is a slight exaggeration, because if you do, you travel on the person to do it before you. So you can just barely slow trot along with the rest of the crowd. Then moments later the sound of the second weapon. The police are free and running at full coat Iexpected.

The course is 3 / 4 miles in total and to go from completely surrounded by buildings with no place to run away sections that have been carried out by wooden barriers in open terrain marked received. These are also pretty hard to escape as the teams of spectators peering over and wait for the frenzy and fear in the fight to push back.

Chaos is about the best term to describe the course and who was not even see a bull in the field. They then cross theEntered the scene, a corridor of concrete is about 50 meters in length. This is the most dangerous place and certainly do not want to be here in a heap. As soon as you walk through the entrance into the arena, a good way to do it the first time, and for the life of Brian fans among you can see, life can once-in-a-life-time for the scene Gladiator's for real. The police seem to be finally back to reality, and go for the right to housing in a crowdthe back of the stage. Next "they" (the authors of the crazy event, which are apparently intent on killing or maiming of the participants at least odd) may be smaller, energetic bulls over one time, some lead to chaos. These protectors protect the skin on the bull horns to the crowd at least, that is, if you pay you do not die, slowly and in death, the pain, but it could cast a few meters into the air, landing about getting your head! The little 'difficult here is thatThere are thousands of other people in the Plaza de Toros, which is very difficult to find the bulls. Suddenly the crowd parts to be run directly from a mad bull to be displayed in full leather, head down and close quickly. My instinct was to run and throw myself head first on the fence to 6 feet tall. Under normal circumstances this would be seen as a reckless and dangerous stunts, but in light of the circumstances, I was also a well-considered life-saving maneuver, and one thatmeant that I survived it all, but my pride intact!

Once all the bulls used are smaller, have left the now-rested, more policemen in the crowd to shake things up-a-bit. The course is much more dangerous than you can imagine what would happen if one of these steps on the head. Fortunately, there are no serious injuries in our course (I think), but serious injuries have all the time, so do not take this unique past too easily. This year, I was an American sectthe age of 22 years died, and was one of 15 deaths since 1924th In daily reality for photos of that day, the participants to purchase. Even around town, there are images of the past, with some rather disappointing pictures of accidents that have happened. I suppose this is done to remember the rider in mind that the worst thing that can happen is death! One quite extreme sport All-in-all!

Tips for survival in Pampaloni - San Fermin

Try to getwith the course first hand. Do not run before you see a race. Be aware that falls and is placed by people with the feet of one of the main threats. If you fall, stay down, cover your head and wait for a public taps on the shoulder. Its more dangerous to try, at that stage. Be aware that there are Callejon-Plaza de Toros and the end portion Cuesta de Santo Domingo of the most dangerous. These stains have left a total of 12 lives over the years near the corners, as statedthe running of the bulls in width. Let sleep not get drunk and do something. Even with this advice on the running of the bulls in Pampaloni can be extremely dangerous.

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