Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lennon & McCartney - common misconceptions

(# 1) Paul McCartney wrote the music, John Lennon wrote the lyrics.

This was very rare. "In My Life" is likely (although there are some contradictions in this one) and the soundtrack to John Paul. And sometimes John would have ideas for the lyrics of Paul Add (for example, "It would have been much worse" to "Getting Better") and Paul had song ideas, lyrics by John Add's (Paul bass parts consistantly impressive are the examples more obvious.) But in general, PaulAnd John also wrote the music and lyrics for songs.

(# 2) John Lennon of the Beatles, the rest of the guys was just his backup band.

As someone who truly loves the Beatles, this particular misunderstanding really bothers me. I think it is not surprising, given the tragic end of John's life that this idea is completely unfounded grew after his death, but it needs to be corrected.

The fact is that most reasonable accounts, McCartney was alsoimportant for the Beatles' music as Lennon. In many ways it is even more important (McCartney was easily the most skilled musicians in the group and be informed about the theories of musical composition.)

Many of the most famous Beatles songs McCartney were among them "Hey Jew," "Let It Be," "Yesterday," "Get Back," "When I'm 64," "Eleanor Rigby", "Yellow Submarine" and " Back In The USSR ".

(# 3) Lennon was the avant-garde Beatle,others "played it safe."

While the "Strawberry Fields Forever" and "I Am The Walrus, on" Revolution # 9 "(and" What's The New Mary Jane? "On Anthology 3) make a good argument for this idea is more or less to be considered that McCartney really was, which is the most original music to the forefront (his "Carnival of Light" was recorded in front of "Revolution # 9", but was never published.)

E 'was McCartney, who led the band loop"Tomorrow Never Knows" and that much of what gave the song was the unique sound.

You should also remember that it was Paul wrote "Helter Skelter," which certainly pushed the envelope as far as "heavy music" in question.

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