Sunday, October 3, 2010

His life is a Renaissance Festival, when they organized

... Happiness, happiness, imagination, mixing and interaction, enjoys the atmosphere of chaos, crowded market, continuous entertainment, delicacies groped the palate ...

These are just some of the words used to describe the Renaissance festivals held throughout the year across the country. Who would not want to participate in events that promise? But often we are stuck going with daily tasks and responsibilities, go home stressed, working inEvenings, and then restart the process. Given the popularity of these parts, could be a factor in order for us to escape for a while, 'we need another era, an era in which the surface, life seems less complicated and more fun back then?

Although applied to the Renaissance period between the 14th and 17th century, heads the root of the "Renaissance" from the word for "Revival" and as "a renewal of life, power and interests" defined.There is nothing on the limitation of this definition. With proper planning, we are the Renaissance, or, better yet, a lot of revival, in every moment of our lives.

On a simple level, if I work with a person in an office for a day, they gain a new perspective on their activities. The next day starts with a new attitude and a sense of control. We changed the confusion, and often chaos that had developed over time, and as a whole and place a system to accountfor each task and prioritize.

... Euphoria, excitement, reason, enthusiasm, energy efficiency, clean appearance, processing, value, less stress, rest ...

These are the comments from customers who have spent only one day to write new office systems. Who could not enjoy the benefit of these effects, when overwhelmed by daily demands multi-tasking and lack of sense of time, the whole process? This is an example of a rebirth, we can get tous, a renewal of interest and vitality.

Conducting this revival of business, there are more hours each day for free. Consider that the average business man is more than an hour a day wasted by disorganization. With the new office was established procedures to cover every task, these new-found free time, produced a sudden, which in turn lead to a resurgence of home life. It might be time to develop new hobbies, build relationships and have the opportunity to visit moreFestival.

Becoming organized is a matter of establishing procedures to simplify our lives. A cup was given to me, saying. "Organized people are too lazy to look for things" I think however, that does not look at things that we use for other activities such as creating room in our result, life less complicated for more joy and happiness can devote created.

The organization is the first step in achieving each goal. If you have a revival in your life, createbegins with a vision, give him a period of time, rather than put concrete steps that will allow you to do this is, and then schedule the procedure. This process applies to the activities of organizing and other objectives that they strive to meet.

In what areas of your life that would benefit from changes? It 's time to schedule a personal renaissance festival?

© Key Organization Systems, Inc.

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